Harvest Church - A United Methodist Congregation recently issued the following announcement.
21 in 22
21-Day, Church-wide Fast
January 1 - 21, 2022
Fasting – Giving up what you want for something you want more! The Goal – Alignment with God’s will for us personally and as a church family! The Bible is full of examples of individuals and whole nations that fasted and prayed. Moses fasted and prayed forty days on Mt. Sinai, Jesus fasted forty days in the wilderness, and the apostles fasted regularly throughout the book of Acts. Usually this action resulted in great blessing and victory from the Lord. Fasting is not just about “giving up” food/other for a period of time. It’s much deeper than that. Fasting is about spending focused time with God in place of time spent eating/other activities. Sometimes it is helpful to start with a list of things that you want to take to God, or perhaps, to hear from Him about.
- info@harvestchurch4u.org
- 478.923.8822